ALPZ Membership

The Association for Labour Practitioners in Zimbabwe (ALPZ), established in 2024, proudly forms part of the African Labour Law Society (ALLS). As a member of ALPZ, you automatically gain membership to ALLS, a continent-wide association for professionals and enthusiasts of Labour and Employment law in Africa.

Member benefits

  • Free attendance at regular seminars on topical Labour Law issues in Zimbabwe.
  • Newsletters, judgments and updates on legislation from different countries.
  • Circulation of various African academic research papers.
  • Access to the comparative matrix and its updates through the website login.
  • Receipt of the Juta Law IBA African Legal Brief Workplace weekly newsletter.
  • 4 e-publications from the University of Johannesburg only available with a member login.
  • Attendance at ALLS and partner events at members' rates.
  • Attendance at conferences at member's rates.

Cost R600/USD 30 for 12 months of membership.

The Association for Labour Practioners in Zimbabwe Commitee:

Chairperson  - Caleb Mucheche
Vice Chairperson Finance and Governance -  Tendai Tshakisani Makavani
Events and Sponsorship - Patience Kavuru
Marketing and membership - Munya Gwisai and Cephas Mavondo

Payment Information

Offline Payment